artist application form
Steps to apply:
1) Process payment and fill out form. Why the fee? Because I’m also 20-something and broke and event rentals and an open bar are expensive! If we get enough sponsors we will be able to waive the event fee and refund artists. yay!
2) Email CV and 3-6 images of work for the show (It can be works in progress or sketches of work you will complete before the show alongside images of your work in a similar style, but preference will be shown to those who submit completed works) to
3) Deadline to apply is October 20, and decisions will be sent out by email on October 25 and announced on socials the next day.
If selected:
1) Artists will be responsible for getting their pieces to the event space and installing them 11 AM - 4 PM on November 19th, or we can help you make arrangements if you are out of state and/or cannot attend the show.
2) Our space is a temporary event space, so please be prepared to take down your work and patch any wall holes immediately following the show (if you are attending). We can also arrange for staff to de-install and store your work overnight if you’d like to go out after the show.